The topic of vaginal health has always been a difficult one to discuss. It’s not a secret that after childbirth or menopause women can start to experience some issues in their intimate area. And for a long time, the only available treatments were the surgical ones.
In recent years, a new technology has emerged and people can’t stop talking about it: The CO2 Laser treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that not only can be used to enhance the appearance of wrinkles, scars and dark spots on your face; it also can be used in your intimate area to treat dryness, pain, pigmentation and loss of elasticity.
Women desire this type of procedure primarily when they want to improve or boost sexual gratification. This procedure can also successfully treat stress urinary incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine when stress is placed on the bladder while laughing, sneezing, coughing or exercising.
-It restores the vaginal tone, flexibility, and shape lost due to childbirth or age
-Treats dryness, itching, and pain, making uncomfortable intercourse a thing of the past.
-Treats dyschromia and skin pigmentation
-It is a safe, quick and almost painless procedure
-Has a quick recovery and no downtime